
Rules 2024-06-09T13:19:10+00:00

Rules of the League 2024

Constitution of the League

The Wilden Industrial Estates Cricket League (formerly The Stainweld Cricket League, Terry Church Print League, and Kidderminster Friendly Cricket League) shall be referred to throughout the Rules as “the League”. The League has been in continual existence since 1976 and aims to provide competitive cricket for clubs in and around the Kidderminster/Wyre Forest locality and its immediate surrounds.

2)  The League is affiliated to the Worcestershire Cricket Board (WCB) and, through the WCB, to the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB).  Rules and regulations that are mandated by the ECB are adopted by the League.

3)  Membership of the League is by registration and newly registered clubs are accepted by vote at the next General or Annual General meeting.  To assist planning, member clubs confirm their intention to participate the following season at the September General Meeting and fees become due at the November AGM.  Clubs wishing to withdraw from the League for next season must inform the Governing Executive Committee (GEC) in writing by the September General meeting of the current season. Failure in this regard with a later withdrawal will attract a fine of up to £100.

4)  All member clubs must provide the League with full contact details of at least two people for listing in the handbook, and at least one e-mail address for correspondence with team officials.  Additionally, clubs are requested to nominate an ambassador who may be called upon by the GEC to represent the League at Cup finals etc.

Personal information requested is the minimum necessary for the efficient running of the League and is determined by the League’s legitimate interest.  Personal information is retained and used in accordance with GDPR legislation.

5)  The GEC shall satisfy themselves that existing teams continue to meet minimum standards (e.g. of ground facilities and organisation).  All clubs must also adopt the ECB “Safe Hands” policy, including submitting to the League the name of at least one qualified Welfare Officer with responsibility for their club. Additionally, all captains and vice captains must have a cricket Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.

6)  All grounds must be within a 15 mile radius of Kidderminster Town Hall (exceptions at the discretion of the GEC).

The Governing Executive Committee

7)  The GEC shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to administer the League in accordance with its rules, interpreted fairly in the best interests of the League, and to promote cricket within the local community.  The GEC shall have the power to deal with internal domestic issues without the right of appeal by the clubs or players.

8)  The GEC shall comprise of the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Umpires Appointment Secretary, Disciplinary Convener, Website Manager, Fixture Secretary, Social Media Secretary, Welfare Officer, and Legal Advisor with each have one vote at League Meetings.

9)  The GEC will meet at least once a month throughout the year, usually on the second Monday, or at their discretion.  They have the power to bring to General Meetings proposals for changes to League rules or structures, as they see fit, in the best interests of the League. Minutes of the meetings are published on the League website.

League General Meetings

10) General Meetings of the League will be held three times a year, as advertised in the handbook or at the discretion of the GEC.  All teams are obliged to send a representative to General Meetings.

11) In addition to League General Meetings an Annual General Meeting will be held once a year on the 2nd Tuesday in November commencing promptly at 7.30pm; the following Tuesday being reserved should business dictate.  All teams are obliged to send a representative.

12) The GEC have the right to call additional General or Extraordinary League Meetings, as they deem necessary.  Teams may also call an EGM if they have the written support of more than half the teams in the League.

13) The League will also hold a Presentation evening, usually at the same time as the AGM, when trophies and prizes will be awarded. All trophies are distributed to the nominated recipients but are returned to the officers at the end of the evening for safe storage.  Pennants are awarded to all trophy recipients.


14) At League General Meetings teams may only vote on issues that affect them.  Each team will have one vote per issue and may only vote provided the team is represented at the meeting.  Votes will be passed on a simple majority.  The Chairman will have the casting vote in the event of a tie.

Annual Fees

15) Annual fees for participating clubs for the current year are as follows:

£85 for one team           £125 for two teams

Fees for the following year will be proposed by the treasurer, debated and set at the September General Meeting and become due at the AGM in November.

Player Eligibility


16) Registration of players is by appearance on the official League team card of any game administered by the League.  Once a player appears on the team card for a club the League will consider him/her signed by the club for the season.  Any player may represent a club in the League or Cup if they have not already played for any other club in the League that season, excepting when a player is correctly transferred (rule 19). New signings should be indicated in the correct column on the team card.

17) Clubs represented by more than one team in the League or Cup (e.g. an A and B side) may select players for either team provided:

(i) Such teams do not operate independently

(ii) Players who play more than 3 times for any one team in the League become Cup tied to that team.

(iii) Players who play a Cup match for one team are tied to that team for the remainder of the Cup and may not play for the other team/s (see also rule 18).

18) Players in Semi-Finals or Finals of the Cup/Plate competitions must have already played in at least one Cup or League fixture for the team that season.  Returning players (e.g. from long standing injury, university etc.) may be permitted to play if the club can show they are established, signed players (e.g. have played in previous seasons).  If, due to the qualification system, a club is unable to field a full team they may appeal to the GEC with suggestions of alternate players.  The League may grant permission to field alternate players, but they may not bat above no. 7 and may not bowl.

19) Players wishing to transfer must have written agreement from the secretary (or other official) of both clubs, which will be forwarded to the GEC.  If there is a dispute the matter will be resolved by the GEC.  No transfers will be allowed after the June General Meeting, except by permission of the GEC and only in exceptional circumstances. Players owing monies to one club shall not be allowed to sign for a new club until such debts are paid.

20) All players must be covered by club insurance preferably by being members of the club.  Guest players (not club members) are permitted so long as insurance allows, and they have not played for another club that season.

21) Substitute fielders need not be signed players; however it is the club’s responsibility to ensure all participants are covered by insurance.

22) Any team found guilty of fielding ineligible players shall forfeit the match, lose all points gained in such matches (or the tie in a Cup match), could be fined up to £50 and, at the discretion of the GEC, may be reported to the ECB.

23) Where a club is cited in a disciplinary matter, all players tied to that club may be held liable for penalties imposed (e.g. suspension from the League; see disciplinary procedures).

24) No artificial limits are to be placed on the standard of players that a team can field in the League.  Indeed, the League welcomes players of any standard, from novice to international.  However, umpires will be reminded of their powers to intervene in the case of intimidatory bowling, and captains are reminded of their responsibilities under the Preamble to the Laws of Cricket (Spirit of Cricket).  Additionally, as a friendly league all captains are encouraged to consider the strength of the opposition and play the game in a sporting manner.  See also rule 42.

Playing Conditions


25) All Fixtures are to be played as stated in the handbook.  There is no allowance for re-arrangement of League games, excepting in certain cases of ground unavailability.  In exceptional circumstances (e.g. where there is a clash of interests) the GEC may allow fixtures to be rearranged (see also rule 26, 27, 34, 51-53 & 55).

26) The question of fitness of the ground for play shall, in the first instance, be left to the club groundsman. When weather is inclement and/or the ground is clearly unfit for play it is the responsibility of the home team to notify the away team, and the umpires, at the earliest opportunity to avoid wasted journeys (the deadline being 5 pm match day).  Unless the away team, and the umpires, have been notified, they should turn up at the appointed time and conditions assessed before play begins.  Umpire appointments can be found on the League web site.

27) Where a ground is deemed to be unfit for play games are usually abandoned, however, teams may reverse fixtures or find alternative grounds on the day provided both agree (appointed umpires should also be informed at the earliest opportunity).  Where possible the GEC should be informed in advance of changes to fixtures, and executive approval sought (e.g. home ground moved etc.).  Rescheduling (on alternative dates) of league matches due to unfit grounds is not usually permitted and can only be carried out with the agreement of the GEC.  Playing of “double headers” is not permitted.

Where opposing captains suspect that home clubs are abusing the “ground unfit” rule to avoid playing a fixture, they can submit a report to the GEC. Repeated allegations against the same club will be investigated.

28) On arrival at the ground it is up to the captains, in consultation with the umpires, to confirm the fitness for play, start time and length of game. After the toss has taken place the continued fitness of the ground for play, including the conditions of light and weather, shall be the sole responsibility of the umpires.  Players are asked to always respect the umpires’ decisions.

29) Where both artificial and grass wickets are available (see types of wickets available in Club Contact details), the away team must come prepared to play on either pitch, depending on weather conditions.

30) Spikes are not permitted on artificial wickets except at the discretion of the club groundsman.  Should any player attempt to bat or bowl or to keep wicket while wearing spikes, the umpire shall instruct the captain to order the player to change his footwear.  Should this instruction not be carried out, the player will not be permitted to take part in the game other than as an outfielder.

31) Players should be suitably attired for cricket. The GEC refers all players to the Preamble to the Laws of Cricket (Spirit of Cricket), specifically point 4 regarding respect for opponents and the traditional values of the game, as well as point 1, the responsibilities of the captain. Exceptions will be made for stand-in players, debutants, etc, however players will be expected to obtain suitable attire after a few games.  Anyone who repeatedly disregards this rule can be reported by the umpires to the GEC. Players cited will have to provide reasons for their repeated offending.

32) All grounds should be correctly marked, together with boundary markers and line.  All League and Cup games, without exception, will include a fielding circle marked by discs (see rule 56).

33) Scoreboards and match ball(s) are to be provided by the home team in all cases.  Pink balls are to be used. The home side must provide replacements for lost balls.  If the match ball is recovered it must be reintroduced immediately.

34) In the event of the home team finding their ground unavailable for a Cup game the following prioritised guidelines should be applied to ensure the match is played (rather than automatically forfeiting the game).  The GEC may be able to help with fixture problems given sufficient notice.

  1. Play fixture on the stipulated day at an alternative, neutral venue.
  2. Play fixture on the stipulated day as a reversed fixture.
  • Play fixture at appointed venue within six days either side of the original date.
  1. Play fixture at alternative venue (including as a reversed fixture) within six days either side of the original date.

Both teams are responsible for reaching agreement on one of the four alternatives.  Where one team can offer a higher prioritised solution then this must always be taken (e.g. home team offers solution “iii”, away team can insist on solution “ii” if it is available).  In the event of a rearranged venue, the initial home team continues that responsibility.  The GEC shall adjudicate in disputes.

In the case of the ground being unavailable for a League game parts (i) and (ii) of the guidelines may be used only.

If no solution is possible the home team shall forfeit the game and may be liable under rule 35, (see also unfit grounds rule 26 & 27).

35) Any club failing to fulfil a fixture without prior agreement with the GEC will be penalised as follows:

  1. i) Loss of points for relevant fixtures (allocated to the opposition)
  2. ii) Pay all costs incurred

iii) At least 4 and up to 10 points will be deducted from the offending club(s).

iv) For repeated offenders, at the GEC’s discretion, clubs may be charged with bringing the game into disrepute.

Rules of Play 

36) All games are played under the MCC Laws of Cricket 2017 Code (3rd edition – 2022) and any recent updates (, except for the playing conditions defined below.

37) (a) Before the start of the match each team must fill in the League’s Official Team Sheet and Umpire Liability card.  Cards are issued to each club at the beginning of the season.  The home team should provide the card for the match.  Both captains should enter their teams for the match on the card BEFORE THE TOSS.  All players in the under 19 age group and younger should be identified on the card.

(b) The captains should read, fill in and sign the disclaimer on the back of the card before handing to the umpire(s) for inspection at the toss.  The umpire(s) may retain the card during the game to refer to.  At the end of the game the umpire should hand the card back to the home team who must retain it safely as they may be asked to produce it in the case of a dispute.  At the earliest opportunity (e.g. the next general meeting) they should forward the card to the League secretary.

(c) Any person signing this card should be aware that liability effectively transfers to them.  For this reason, it is imperative that the signatory is a fully paid-up member of the club and that the club insurance is adequate to cover the situation.

38) Each captain must inform the other, and the umpires, of the number of players in attendance at the official starting time.  Any substitutes fielding at the start of play must be pointed out to the umpire.

39)  Captains may not change the team once the card is handed to the umpire except on appeal to the opposing captain. In the event of any changes the umpires must always be informed.

40) ECB guidelines for young players (U19) must be always adhered to (rules 73 to 75).

41) In order to avoid controversy, the laws regarding wides, no-balls and beamers will be enforced as follows:

(a) If, in the opinion of the umpire at the bowler’s end, a bowler bowls a ball negatively past either side of the wicket the umpire shall call and signal “wide ball” unless either umpire has already called “no ball”.  Additionally, any ball passing unhindered outside the leg stump, unless passing between the batsman and the stumps, shall be deemed to be negative bowling, and shall be called “wide ball”, without exception.

Wides bowled in the lowest division (currently called the Conference) will NOT be re-bowled. Instead, the umpire shall award 2 runs to the batting side (plus any other extras accumulated). The exception is in the final over of each innings when ‘normal’ laws of cricket shall apply.

(b) If a pitched delivery goes on to pass, or would have passed, above head height of the striker standing in an upright position (i.e. a “bouncer”), the bowlers end umpire shall call and signal “no ball”.  Additionally, a bowler will only be permitted one ball per batsman per over which passes between shoulder and head high, signalled by the umpire. Further occurrences will be signalled no ball.

(c) If a bowler bowls a full pitched delivery that reaches the batsman on the full above waist height (i.e. a “beamer”) the umpire shall call “no-ball” and warn the bowler.  In line with MCC Laws of Cricket if the bowler bowls a second beamer the umpire is entitled to instruct the captain to take the bowler off immediately, any remaining balls in the over being bowled by someone who has not completed their quota. However, the umpire should consider the ability of the bowler and decide whether the beamer was intended or dangerous.

(d) All no-balls result in a one run penalty, noted as an extra, plus any other runs scored off the ball.  A no-ball must be re-bowled and also results in the call of a free hit for the next ball, signalled by the umpire.

42) The League encourages participation of players of all abilities (see rule 24), however the umpire shall consider the ability of batsman and bowler, the light and the pitch conditions when deciding whether short bowling is intimidatory.  In line with the 2017 Code the umpire can remove a bowler at any time if it is considered that the bowler has deliberately targeted the head or body of the batsman. Similarly, deliberate running through the crease shall trigger immediate removal from the attack. Any remaining balls in the over shall be bowled by someone who has not completed their quota.

43) In the event of the non-appearance of opposition (GEC approved or otherwise), or the forfeiting of a match by one team, the non-offending team will be awarded a win (see also rule 35).  However, on days where all other matches are wiped out by weather then all games will be considered abandoned, including previously forfeited games, regardless of prior arrangements. Exceptions are games that are played on days when the full programme is not enacted (e.g. Cup matches).

Special Rules


44) All matches to start at 6.30pm except in April and August where, due to reduced light, 6.15 pm is the start time. Matches can commence earlier than the nominated time if all is ready.

45) Each innings shall consist of a maximum of 12 eight ball overs.  Depending on weather, light, and other considerations the duration of each innings can be reduced, by agreement between captains before the start of the game, to a minimum of 6 eight ball overs per team.  Captains should seek the advice of the umpires when making their decision.  In the case of a dispute over the agreed length of the game, the umpires shall adjudicate.

46) Each bowler shall be limited to a maximum of 3 overs each, regardless of the length of the game. Additionally, a minimum of 5 bowlers must be used during the innings, even in reduced innings games (e.g. by delayed start or captain’s agreement); the only exceptions being where a team is bowled out before the end of the innings, or the innings is prematurely ended by weather.

47) If a team has 7 players in attendance, they must take the field at the official start time.  After 30 minutes play or 6 overs, whichever is the sooner, no player may join a match except as a sub.  There is no waiting time imposed on a late arrival before they can bowl (excepting as a sub).  If both teams have less than 7 players at the official start time one over shall be deducted from each innings for every 8 minutes delay, or part thereof. As soon as one team has 7 players present, they are deemed non offending.  The offending team shall continue to have overs deducted from their innings at a rate of one every 4 minutes of time lost, or part thereof. When one, or both, side(s) has been deducted more than 6 overs the match will be abandoned, and the points awarded to the non-offending team.  The offending team(s) shall be responsible for all expenses.  The umpires shall forward a report to the GEC.

48) In the event of a delay to the start of the match, or during the first innings, due to weather or ground conditions, or other reasons, each innings shall be reduced by one over for every eight minutes, or part thereof, which is lost.  Umpires are urged to use their discretion in this matter and their decision is final.  Time lost during the second innings cannot be allowed for and on resumption the overs remaining stay the same.  If bad light prevents the game being played to a finish, then the match is abandoned.

49) Points awarded are as follows

Winning team 4 points
Tie 2 points
Abandoned match 2 points
Losing team 0 points

See also rules 35 and 43

Additional Cup Rules


50) (a) All teams eligible at the time of the Cup draw will be entered into the Howard Burley Challenge Cup.  The draw will be made by the GEC on a non-seeded basis.  The GEC reserve the right to modify the draw in the case of ground clashes or issues in the interests of the game.  The Cup will be played under standard Wednesday League Premier Division rules and played as a straight knockout. The second round draw will be made at the May League Committee meeting.  The first two rounds will be played as part of the Wednesday programme. Due to fixture congestion, semi-finals and finals will be played on days other than Wednesday, at the discretion of the GEC, and with agreement of the two competing teams.

(b) Teams that lose their first round Howard Burley Cup match will be automatically entered into the Nic Harvey Challenge Cup draw, which will take place at the May Committee meeting.  The Cup will be played under standard Wednesday League Premier Division rules and played as a straight knockout.  Due to fixture congestion, semi-finals and finals may be played on days other than Wednesday, at the discretion of the GEC, and with agreement of the two competing teams.

(c) There are two short form Cups played in August when light is limited.

(i) the David Stubley Trophy played under Wilden60 rules

(ii) the Audrey Burley trophy played under Ten x Ten rules.

All League teams are invited to enter one or other of these competitions with the GEC inviting other teams to make up numbers where required.

See Supplemental Rules for 10×10 and W60 competitions.

(d) The GEC reserves the right to vary the structure of the competitions to reflect the needs of that season.

51) Where Cup fixtures are scheduled for a Wednesday they must be played on the date stipulated by the League. If any Cup game is scheduled for a day other than Wednesday, then the home side must confirm the date with the away club as ground availability may vary. The home team must give the opposition fair warning of the date.

52) In the event of bad weather on the day of the match home clubs should make an early decision to call off the game to avoid wasted journeys, if possible.  Both opposition and umpires should be informed as early as possible, and no later than 5:00pm.  One re-arrangement of Cup games is permitted (see rule 53)

53) To avoid fixture congestion only one re-arrangement of Cup games is permitted. Both teams are responsible for agreeing the re-arrangement of the fixture and a result must be achieved at this time.  Where teams cannot agree the League may intervene to impose a solution.  Should it not prove possible to reschedule a game, or if weather or conditions again intervene, then the fixtures secretary will hold a lottery to decide which team will progress.  (Rules 25, 26, 27 & 34 also apply).

54) If weather intervenes at the start or during the match umpires can reduce the game following rule 48.  If the game cannot be completed captains have 3 options open to them:

(i)  Fixture can be decided by bowl out if conditions permit (see rule 57)

(ii)  Fixture can be decided by toss of a coin.

(iii) Fixture can be re-arranged, if the game is not already a re-arrangement  (see rule 53).

If there is a disagreement over playing conditions the umpire will decide.

55) As a guide, matches postponed or abandon due to weather should be re-arranged for the following Tuesday (or before if the two teams agree and the GEC is informed).  If teams have good reason, they may apply to the GEC for a longer period, which may be granted if fixture schedules allow.

56) All games shall have fielding circles marked out and employed as follows:

(a) Grounds will be marked out with a 30-metres fielding “circle” using a minimum of 10 discs (reducing to 20 meters on small grounds), as follows: Half circles, each with radius of 30 meters, are to be marked each end of the wicket with the stumps as centre.  The half circles are then joined to each other by straight lines parallel to the wicket.

(b) A minimum of half the team (including bowler and wicketkeeper) must be within the fielding circle as the bowler delivers the ball, for the whole duration of the game.  This rule allows for occasions when teams are deficient in numbers, for whatever reason, including when players have to leave the field during play.

Examples:           (i) for a normal 11 players in the field, a minimum of 6 must be within the circle.

                        (ii) for 10 players in the field, 5 must be within the ring

(iii) for 9 players in the field, 5 must be within the ring.

(c) If more than the permitted number of fielders are outside the ring as the ball is delivered either umpire will call “no ball”.

Home teams will provide the means to mark out fielding circles.  Any club without the means to mark out circles may apply to the GEC, who may provide suitable markers for deserving cases.

57) Bowl outs will be used to determine the result of Cup matches where no result has been achieved due to weather or pitch conditions.  Bowl out rules are as follows:

Five nominated bowlers bowl three balls in turn at a full set of stumps.  First to bowl shall be decided by coin toss.  Run ups are not limited except by underfoot conditions, however the ball must be legal, and no-balls are not rebowled. The most hits after 15 balls will be deemed the winner.  Should scores be equal then sudden death will apply using the same five bowlers in the same order.

58) In the event of a tie, the result shall be decided in the following way:

  1. i) Winner shall be the team loosing least wickets
  2. ii) If still equal winner shall be the team with the highest total after 6 overs.

iii) If still equal the team with the most runs from the bat

  1. iv) If still equal decide by bowl out
  2. v) If still equal decide by toss of a coin.

59) Dates and venues of all Cup Finals are to be published in the League’s handbook or on the League website.



60) In the event of only one scorer he/she shall be solely responsible for keeping the score.  Any decision as to the correctness of the scores shall be the responsibility of both the umpires and scorers, their decisions being respected by the captains.

61) The home team is responsible for submitting the result.  Results (including abandoned games) should be submitted using the ECB Play-Cricket website at the earliest opportunity, and by the Friday evening after the match at the latest.  Both sides should confirm the result.  Full scorecards are requested to be entered by the Tuesday following the game.  Scorecards can be posted direct to the site or uploaded using the ECB mobile and tablet scoring app. Data from scorecards may be used by the League Social Media team to prepare weekly honours boards and highlight outstanding performances.

If teams encounter problems using the Play-Cricket site, the result can be sent to the League’s social media team using the email address or to the League’s Play-Cricket administrator using the email address  Results are no longer reported using SMS messaging.

62) Results and League positions shall be posted on the League website.  League positions displayed on the website should be treated as a guideline only.  Final League positions will be confirmed at the AGM once fines and disciplinary issues have been settled.

63) Where teams are tied at the end of the season their positions shall be decided in the following manner:

  1. i) Most wins
  2. ii) If equal, results against each other,

iii) If equal, points scored against the two equal teams

  1. iv) If equal, the greater aggregate runs scored shall be deemed the higher place.
  2. v) If equal, the team with the highest runs per wicket shall be the winner, averaged over the season.

64) Promotion and Relegation:  Promotion is normally achieved by finishing first or second in the division at the end of the season.  Clubs finishing in the bottom two positions in the division can expect to be relegated.  Final positions are subject to ratification by the GEC.

65) Clubs will be asked at the AGM whether they wish to be promoted.  The GEC will take their wishes into account when forming divisions for the new season, with the best interests of the League in mind.  Care will be taken over the placement of newly elected teams.

66) Averages will be taken from data submitted on Play-Cricket.  Alternately you can submit averages in time for the September General Meeting.. Averages should include:

  1. a) Leading bowler
  2. b) Leading batsman
  3. c) Wicket keeper with most victims
  4. d) best fielder (number of outfield catches)
  5. e) Special individual performances (hat-trick, 5 fors, hundreds, etc)



67) Any club wishing to revoke their membership of the League should do so in writing at the September General Meeting (rule 3).  Resignation from the League during the playing season, or after the AGM in November, may incur a fine of up to £100.

68) Failure to pay annual fees on time (rule 15) may jeopardise the club’s place for the next season.  Additionally late payment will incur an additional registration fee of £10 per month overdue.

69) Fines associated with non-attendance at General Meetings are detailed below. Additionally, teams will automatically be deducted 4 points for each non-attendance.

Non-attendance at General meetings           £20.00 for first time

for 2nd consecutive offence            £40.00 + original fine

for 3rd consecutive offence            £80.00 + preceding fines

70) Other fines available to the GEC are detailed as follows, (Note: this list is not necessarily exhaustive, and the GEC may levy fair fines as they see fit):

  1. a) Non completion of team sheet                                     £4.00
  2. b) Failure to notify result by Friday                                  £4.00
  3. c) Failure to fulfil a fixture                                                  £costs
  4. d) Non-payment of umpire                                                £25.00
  5. e) Non-payment of previous fine                                     £double
  6. f) Non-attendance at a disciplinary hearing          up to £50.00
  7. g) Fielding of ineligible players                                up to £50.00

71) Clubs will be notified of any fines, in writing, each month.  Clubs then have until the next general meeting, or AGM (depending on which is sooner), to pay. If payment is not received, then the fine will be doubled and re-issued.  At this time 4 points will be deducted.

72) Continued non-payment of fines shall be a disciplinary matter.

Rules for Players aged 18 and under


73) All players under the age of 18 must wear a “kite marked” helmet when batting or standing up to keep wicket.  It is the responsibility of the captain to inform the umpires of any players under 18 and to ensure that they follow these rules and all ECB guidelines relating to young players.  These include the mandatory wearing of a “kite-marked” helmet by all players under the age of 18 and playing in an adult game, regardless of parental consent, except in exceptional circumstances.  In such exceptional circumstances the consent must be in written form and umpires notified via the League approved team sheet before the start of play.  Any player under the age of 19 is also covered by ECB fast bowling and fielding directives.  The League and the Umpires Association will not be held responsible for any consequences if the guidelines are not correctly followed.

74) No under 11’s shall be permitted to play in League-organised matches.  Under 13’s can only play as the responsibility of the club and must have written parental permission.  It is very important to note that only a very low number of Under 12 age group cricketers are eligible to play open age cricket. Almost all juniors in the Under 12 age group are ineligible.  For further details please see ECB Guidelines for Junior Players in Open Age Group Cricket.

75) Age groups of players are determined by age at midnight on 31st August in the year before the current season.



76) The League appoints qualified umpires to stand in all games under the League’s jurisdiction, to ensure correct and fair play.  Appointments are made by the League and are advertised on the League’s website.  It is the responsibility of the appointed umpire(s) to notify the home club if they are unable to fulfil the fixture and should do so in a timely manner.

77) In addition to appointing umpires, the League has appointed a Match Referee who has a roving portfolio and may appear at any game he chooses.  The role of the match referee is to support the umpires. He has the same powers as the umpires to issue disciplinary penalties as he sees fit, having appraised the situation. Clubs and players should respect the Match Referee’s decision.

78) Umpires should aim to arrive at least 15 minutes before the scheduled start of the match.  In the event of only one umpire being available or present, the batting side shall nominate a stand in umpire to operate Square Leg only.  Nominees have to be over 16 years of age. Ideally, the home team will provide a white coat or some other item of clothing to distinguish them from the fielders.  In the event of no umpires being available the captains will jointly nominate both umpires from the persons available for as long as is necessary.

79) The home team shall report any umpire for non-attendance or late arrival. Reports to be made to the league’s Umpires Representative.

80) If the home club has cause to cancel or change the arrangement for any fixture the home skipper must contact the appointed umpire before 5:00pm on the day of the fixture, at the latest, and ensure they are aware of the change, otherwise they may be liable for full costs. Umpire contact details are listed in the handbook and on the League website. Where umpires are informed that the match is cancelled, before travelling, they will not be entitled to any fee.  If no notification is received, then umpires should travel to the ground.  On arrival, should conditions subsequently be deemed unplayable then umpires are entitled to the “cancelled match” fee. Otherwise, umpires should be offered their full fee before the game commences.

81) The League’s Official Team Sheet and Umpire Liability card should be completed and signed by the teams before the start of the match (see rule 37).  Umpires should also sign the card confirming that they have been notified of underage players.  At the end of the game the card is retained by the home team and they are subsequently responsible for forwarding it to the League secretary for safe keeping.  If teams are unwilling to sign the card, the umpires have the right to refuse to stand.

Umpire Fees


82) Umpire fees are set by the GEC in consultation with the League and the umpires association.  Changes in umpire fees must be agreed at League General Meetings.

83) Umpires should be paid their fee before the start of the game.  Both teams are responsible for paying umpires. Fees are payable for all Cup and League matches including Finals.  Fees shall be as follows, costs split equally between teams

Two umpires in attendance £16.00 each
    Cancelled match £5.00 each
If travelling more than 7 miles from home £8.00 each
Only one umpire in attendance £24.00 (£12 per team)
    Cancelled match (one umpire) £5.00
If travelling more than 7 miles from home £8.00



84) All clubs must be fully insured.  Umpires must also be fully insured, and it is their responsibility to ensure that they are. Clubs and umpires are advised to check that their insurance is adequate to cover the ECB initiative limiting umpires’ liabilities.

85) The League shall not be held responsible for any claim made against them including damage or loss of property, or injury to life or limb.

Supplemental Rules for 10 x 10 Competition


10×10 Cricket was invented by the WIECL to encourage participation of all players in the team. The idea of 10×10 is that is distributes the play throughout the whole team rather than rely on just the gifted few.  Every player must bowl an over and batsmen must retire out at 20 runs.  Rules of the game are as follows.

S1)  Currently all 10×10 competitions in the WIECL are played in Cup format and as such will be played on a knockout basis with the winner progressing to the next round. Losers in the first round shall enter a Plate competition. (To play 10×10 in a League structure consult rules below)

S2)  All fixtures are to be played as advertised; rearrangements are not permitted except by the express permission of the GEC (rule 51 applies).

S3)  Matches are to start at 6.30pm, (6.15pm in April and August).  The match ends when:

(a) the team batting second is bowled out before reaching the target

or (b) the team batting second passes the target score.

or (c) all the balls have been bowled whereupon the team with the

most runs is the winner, excepting in a tie.

In the event of a tie the match should be decided using Cup rule 58. Number of wickets includes those retired out upon reaching 20.

Countback scores should be compared after 5 overs.

Other Wednesday league rules should be adopted where appropriate, except for the following amendments.

S4) In a team of eleven players one shall be nominated as the non-bowling wicket keeper.  The remaining ten players will all bowl one six ball over making up an innings of 60 balls.  It is not permitted to swap the ‘keeper to allow him/her to bowl.  An injured ‘keeper can be replaced but, if remaining on the field of play, cannot bowl.

S5) Wides and No balls are called in accordance with normal laws of cricket and with reference to rule 41.  Each wide or no ball shall count as 4 extras to the batting side, without the ball being re-bowled.  However, all wides and no balls bowled in the last over of each innings must additionally be re-bowled.  Extra runs can be scored off wides and no balls as per normal laws of cricket.

S6) Bowlers run ups are limited to 8 paces, preferably marked out by the home side before the match begins, or, if not, by the umpire.  Additionally, a fielding circle will be marked out using discs and fielding restrictions applied, as described in rule 56.

S7) Batsmen retire “out” following the completion of the scoring stroke that takes their personal score to or beyond 20 runs.  If a batsman fails to retire at the appropriate time his/her score shall be reduced to 20 runs.

S8) If the fielding side has less than eleven players at the start of the game the umpire shall hold a lottery at the start of the innings to decide who bowls the remaining overs. Only the outfielders (not the wicketkeeper) can be included in the lottery. No player can bowl more than 2 overs in the innings. The fielding captain can then decide on the order that each bowler bowls their allotted overs, excepting that no bowler can bowl consecutive overs.

S9) If a player is injured during the game and cannot bowl, or cannot complete their over, the umpire shall immediately hold a lottery amongst the remaining eligible outfielders to decide who bowls the outstanding balls/over.  However, players cannot bowl consecutive overs so, for example, if a player has just bowled the 9th over, they are not eligible to be in the lottery for the 10th over.  If a bowler is injured and cannot complete their over, then the player who bowled the previous over is not eligible to bowl the remaining balls of the over. The player who completes the over cannot bowl the next over.  Where a substitute fielder is used due to an injury the substitute cannot bowl.  Rule S4 still applies.

S10) Results should be submitted via Play-Cricket (see rule 61).

10×10 Played as a League

S11) Should the 10×10 format be played in a League structure (not a Cup competition which is a straight knockout) the following applies.


Winning team 20 points
Losing team 4 points
Abandoned match 4 points
Tied Match 16 points


In addition to any points received for the result, bonus points are available throughout the match as follows:

Each batsman scoring 20 or more runs 2 points
Each bowler who takes at least one wicket 2 points
Each player (inc.‘keeper) who takes a catch 1 point
Each fielder (not ‘keeper) who effects a run out 1 point
Wicketkeeper who effects a stumping 1 point

Note: each player can score a maximum of 2 points per discipline (bat, bowl, field, keep) per match. There are up to 50 bonus points available per team per match.

S12) Finals

Where the match is a “final”, the team that wins the match is deemed the winner regardless of the points total (see rule S11).

Supplemental Rules for Wilden 60 Cup Competition


The Wilden 60 is a shortened version of The Hundred.  Wednesday League rules should be adopted where appropriate except for:

W1) Innings are 60 balls each. Whoever scores the most runs wins.

W2) The fielding side change ends after every 10 balls.

W3) Bowlers deliver either 5 or 10 consecutive balls, as directed by the captain.

W4) Each bowler can deliver a maximum of 10 balls, so in a standard game a minimum of 6 bowlers are required.

W5) If a bowler is injured and cannot continue, the set of 5 must be completed by another bowler who hasn’t already bowled their allocation of 10.

W6) There are no powerplays but standard Wilden League fielding circles apply.

W7) No-balls count as one extra and are re-bowled.  After calling no-ball the umpire should signal a free hit next ball.

W8) Wides are judged the same as in other Wilden competitions (all balls down leg-side are wide) and count as 1 run (plus any other extras scored from it) and are re-bowled.  If a wide is bowled on a free hit, the umpire shall call wide and signal another free hit for the next ball.

W9) Batters do not have to retire.

W10) If the game is restricted by weather, the captains can agree a reduced game. The minimum number of balls to constitute an innings is 30.  Both sides must have the opportunity to face the same number of balls or the game is abandoned.  In all cases there must be a minimum number of 6 bowlers used in a completed innings.

Disciplinary Procedures


The following regulations are produced by the ECB, apply to any player who plays for any club at any level under the auspices of the ECB and are intended to aid and uniformity to all Clubs and Leagues in dealing with any alleged breach of the ECB Code of Conduct (Appendix 1) and MCC Spirit of Cricket (Appendix 2).

The aim is to simplify the procedure for minor offences, whilst providing full rights for all accused and wronged, in accordance with ECB Guidelines. It is intended that any breach of the Spirit of Cricket should in the first instance be dealt with by the player’s club who shall notify the League of the result of any action taken against its player.

For the purpose of these regulations, the expression of “the player” shall throughout these regulations be deemed to mean and include not only any player but also any member or official of any club or if appropriate, any other person involved in any incident of possible misconduct occurring on the field of play, or on the premises of the club, as may be appropriate in the particular circumstances.

As member clubs of The Wilden Industrial Estates Cricket League, you have agreed to abide by the ECB Code of Conduct and accepted to abide by the League’s disciplinary procedures set out below. Every Player registered to play in the League explicitly acknowledges, by virtue of his registration, the constitution of the League and its procedures, and undertakes to be bound by them.

As stated in “The Spirit of Cricket” it is the responsibility of the individual concerned AND his captain, club and team-mates to uphold standards of behaviour at all times. It is only when that has failed that there is a need for the umpire to report a player.

The League is to provide the strongest possible backing to umpires, and to each Club as it undertakes to suspend any player reported by an umpire.

The ECB outlines 4 levels of breaches in discipline, which are listed in Appendix 3.  For minor offences, covered by level 1, the clubs take the disciplinary lead. Clubs are obliged to impose a ban for a period of at least two matches on any player who is reported to them by an umpire for discipline breaches relating to the ECB code of Conduct (Appendix 1) or the Spirit of Cricket (Appendix 2) of a level 1 nature. Umpires will also report the player to the League.

For more serious offences, covered by level 2 and above, the League will normally call a Disciplinary Hearing as covered by the regulations below.

Actions to be taken by the Umpire, Clubs and League


Level 1 Breaches will normally be dealt with at the time by the umpires with the backing of the clubs and league as follows:

The umpire will caution the player as to his conduct and advise him and his captain that it is a first and final warning. On any further breach the umpire will warn the player as to his conduct and advise him and his captain that a report will be submitted. This will result in an automatic two-match ban to be imposed by the club.

The umpire will send a report to the League and the club must also notify the League as to the actions it has taken against the player. Failure of clubs to report actions to the League will result in a £20 fine.  It should be stressed that there is nothing in this code preventing, or discouraging, clubs from applying additional, or stronger, sanctions against offenders, whether or not they are the subject of a report. To this end, it is recommended that clubs have their own code of conduct and disciplinary procedures in place.

Level 2 Breaches – depending on the circumstances Level 2 breaches may also be dealt with in the same manner as level 1 except that the umpire may decide not to give a first and final warning but immediately warn the player as to his conduct and advise him and his captain that a report will be submitted. Clubs must report their actions to the league as for level 1 breaches. The League’s Disciplinary Convenor will decide if the automatic two match ban is sufficient or if a discipline hearing should deal with the matter.

Level 3 & 4 Breaches – will be reported to the league and be dealt with at a disciplinary hearing.

In addition to the above sanctions, from 2018 there are new laws covering players conduct.  The umpire will have additional powers to deal with player misbehaviour on the field. Four levels of offence have been created with level 4 being the most serious. The umpire will decide which category the offence falls into. The levels can be summarised as follows:

Level 1:  Warning then 5 penalty runs to the opposition for a repeat offence.

Level 2:  5 Penalty runs to the opposition.

Level 3:  Offending player is suspended for a number of overs, depending on the length of the match, plus 5 Penalty runs to the opposition.

Level 4:  Offending player is removed from the field for the rest of the match, plus 5 Penalty runs to the opposition.

Players can familiarise themselves with the various types of bad behaviour covered by the new sanctions by consulting law 42 of the 2017 code.

Disciplinary Hearings


Upon receipt of an umpires report a Disciplinary Hearing will normally be called by the Disciplinary Convenor and shall be formed from the League’s Governing Executive Committee. At least 7 days notice in writing of the hearing and of the offence alleged shall be given to the player(s) or his/her representative, or in the case of a Club, it’s Secretary, in writing. The player or Club shall be entitled to attend the hearing (in the case of a Club by its secretary or other official), to be legally or otherwise represented and to call witnesses; up to 3 in normal circumstances.  Failure to attend a disciplinary hearing may attract a fine of up to £50, and/or a ban from the league, and/or (where a club is cited) a deduction of points.

If at the hearing the Disciplinary Committee find the alleged offence proved, it shall have the power to impose one of the following penalties:

  1. in the case of the player
  • a ban from the League;
  • suspension for three or more matches
  • a fine of not more than £50 (FIFTY POUNDS)
  • reprimand

(Save that player may be for the same offence both suspended and fined).

  1. in the case of a Club:
  • expulsion from the League;
  • expulsion from any cup competition of the League.
  • deduction of points in the League;
  • a fine of not more than £100 (ONE HUNDRED POUNDS)

(Save that a Club for the same offences may be subject to both deduction of points and a fine).

A player or Club found by the Disciplinary Committee to have committed an offence or upon whom the Disciplinary Committee has imposed a penalty, shall have the right of Appeal to the Appeals Committee which will comprise of persons not included in the original hearing. The membership will consist of independent persons appointed by the League committee.

A deposit of £50 shall be lodged with the appeal, returnable if the appeal is upheld. The Appeal shall be by way of rehearing. The player or Club shall have the same rights of attendance and representation, and to call witnesses as they had before the Disciplinary Committee.

The Appeals Committee may confirm, vary or reverse the decision of the Disciplinary Committee.  It shall also have the power to increase the penalty. The Appeals Committee shall also have the power, where they consider the appeal to be without merit, to order that the deposit be forfeited.

The decision of the Appeals Committee, or if no appeal of the Disciplinary Committee, shall be final and binding.

Appendix 1



1  The ECB is committed to maintaining the highest standards of behaviour and conduct. This Code of Conduct incorporates the Spirit of Cricket, as set out below. It applies to all matches played under the auspices of the ECB and may be applied to cricket in general.

2  The captains are responsible at all times for ensuring that play is conducted within the Spirit of Cricket as well as within the Laws.

3  Players and team officials must at all times accept the umpire’s decision. Players must not show dissent at the umpire’s decision or react in a provocative or disapproving manner towards another player or a spectator.

4  Players and team officials shall not intimidate, assault or attempt to intimidate or assault an umpire, another player or a spectator.

5  Players and team officials shall not use crude and/or abusive language (known as “sledging”) nor make offensive gestures or hand signals nor deliberately distract an opponent.

6  Players and team officials shall not make racially abusive comments nor indulge in racially abusive actions against fellow players, officials, members and supporters. Clubs must operate an active open door membership policy whilst respecting player qualification regulations and welcome players/members irrespective of ethnic origin.

7  Players and team officials shall not use or in any way be concerned in the use or distribution of illegal drugs.

8  Clubs must take adequate steps to ensure the good behaviour of their members and supporters towards players and umpires.


Appendix 2



2017 CODE

Cricket is a game that owes much of its unique appeal to the fact that it should be played not only within its Laws but also within the Spirit of the Game. Any action which is seen to abuse this spirit causes injury to the game itself. The major responsibility for ensuring the spirit of fair play rests with the captains.

  1. There are two Laws which place responsibility for the team’s conduct firmly on the captain.

Responsibility of captains

The captains are responsible at all times for ensuring that play is conducted within the Spirit of the Game as well as within the Laws.

Player’s conduct

In the event of a player failing to comply with instructions by an umpire, or criticising by word or action the decision of an umpire, or showing dissent, or generally behaving in a manner which might bring the game into disrepute, the umpire concerned shall in the first place report the matter to the other umpire and to the player’s captain, and instruct the latter to take action.

  1. Fair and unfair play

According to the Laws the umpires are the sole judges of fair and unfair play.

The umpires may intervene at any time, and it is the responsibility of the captain to take action where required.

  1. The umpires are authorised to intervene in cases of:

Time wasting

Damaging the pitch

Dangerous or unfair bowling

Tampering with the ball

Any other action that they consider to be unfair.

  1. The Spirit of the Game involves RESPECT for:

Your opponents

Your own captain

The roles of the umpires

The game’s traditional values

  1. It is against the Spirit of the Game:

To dispute an umpire’s decision by word, action or gesture

To direct abusive language towards an opponent or umpire

To indulge in cheating or any sharp practice, for instance:

(a) to appeal knowing that the batsman is not out

(b) to advance towards an umpire in an aggressive manner when appealing

(c) to seek to distract an opponent either verbally or by harassment with persistent clapping or unnecessary noise under the guise of enthusiasm and motivation of one’s own side

  1. Violence

There is no place for any act of violence on the field of play.

  1. Players

Captains and umpires together set the tone for the conduct of a cricket match. Every player is expected to make an important contribution towards this.

Appendix 3 

ECB definition of Breaches of Discipline



Certain conduct, whether on or off the field of play, amounting to a breach of the Laws of Cricket and/or the Spirit of Cricket have been categorised into 4 levels which are set out below: –

Level 1

  1. Time wasting by either the fielding side or the batting side
  2. Abuse of the cricket ground, equipment or fixtures
  3. Showing dissent at an umpire’s decision by word or action
  4. Using language that is obscene, offensive or insulting and/or making of an obscene gesture
  5. Excessive appealing


Level 2

  1. Showing serious dissent at an umpire’s decision by word or action
  2. Inappropriate and deliberate physical contact between players in the course of play
  3. Charging or advancing towards an umpire in an aggressive manner when appealing
  4. Deliberate and malicious distraction or obstruction on the field of play, regardless as to whether such conduct is deemed to be fair under Law 42.5
  5. Throwing the ball at or near a player, umpire or official in an inappropriate and dangerous manner.
  6. Using language or gesture that is obscene or of a serious insulting nature to another player, umpire, team official or spectator
  7. Changing the condition of the ball other than as permitted by Law 42.3
  8. The bowling of fast short pitched balls that result in the bowler being disallowed from bowling further in that innings
  9. Causing avoidable damage to the pitch contrary to Laws 42.13 and/or 42.14

Level 3

  1. Intimidating an umpire or referee
  2. Threatening to assault another player, team official or spectator
  3. Using language or gesture that offend, insult, humiliate, intimidate, threaten, disparage or vilify another person on the basis of that person’s race, religion, sexual orientation, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin
  4. The deliberate bowling of any high full-pitched ball contrary to Law 42.8

Level 4

  1. Threatening an umpire or referee
  2. Physical assault of another player, umpire, referee, official or spectator
  3. Any act of violence on the field of play
  4. Using language or gesture that seriously offend, insult, humiliate, intimidate, threaten, disparage or vilify another person on the basis of that person’s religion, sexual orientation, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin