League Finances continue to be tight and despite the slight increase in League fees this year we expect to struggle to break even for the year. Your committee provide their time free of charge but other expenses continue to increase. Thanks to our main sponsor, Wilden Industrial Estates, we have remained solvent over the last few years but when major expenses, like purchase of new trophies, comes along we struggle to meet the cost. We would like to offer the opportunity to advertise in our 2018 handbook. Do you have a potential sponsor from within your club? Is there someone who has their own successful business, or works for a company who might place an advert in the handbook?
£50.00 buys you an advert on your club contacts page.
£100.00 buys you a full page advert and a link or logo on our website.
and, as an incentive, your club will retain half of that money. Other deals are available such as sponsorship of trophies/competitions and adverts on our website. Contact the committee with your ideas. NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT AS HANDBOOKS WILL BE PRINTED IN THE NEXT MONTH. Please do not just ignore this email. We need your support to continue providing the cricket you love.